Using confidence matrices

The user can supply confidence matrices corresponding to input OD matrices to be estimated, and the values will be used as in the model equations for static estimation. If no confidence matrices are provided, all values are simply set equal to 1. To include confidence matrices with input OD matrices, the user should place each confidence matrix in the Cube matrix file tab number directly following the OD matrix it corresponds to. If using confidence matrices, the user must provide a confidence matrix for each OD matrix to be estimated. So, if there are three OD matrices to be estimated, there must be a total of six matrix tabs in the Cube matrix file, with OD matrices in positions 1, 3 and 5 and confidence matrices in tabs 2, 4, and 6. To use the confidence matrices in the estimation, the user must select both the CONFMAT and USECONF options. The CONFMAT option simply tells Analyst Drive that the Cube matrix file contains confidence matrices, and USECONF option tells Analyst Drive to use the confidence matrices in the estimation. One can see that if they have produced Cube matrices with confidence matrices but no longer wish to use the confidences in the estimation, they can simply uncheck the option without having to generate a new matrix file.